Fighting the Fires

5 Fires. A lot of people might wonder what is the origin of these flames? How did they take part in this journey that just started off with a drumset? How did they grow to illuminate into this beautiful testament of self expression? What’s the significance. If you ask, I think it has everything to do with his work with a band in his teen years. Let’s say that sparked that fire, that pivotal point of success, that light that was essentially himself. While playing bass guitar in his teenage years, Brendon also managed to form his own local band. He played a role as a Jack of All Trades, working as a musician, a manager, hosting and orchestrating the majority of the recordings and show bookings. He was the lead example for his peers opening gateways not only for himself, but his band as well. You have to have a good heart and even greater strength to take on such responsibilities for yourself as well those around to make it. Those are the real superheroes in this world if you ask me. The ones that love, that keep going, that keep the blood pumping, the ones that fight and support. When you think about this young kid who emulated his father with such respect, transitioning into this even more determined Brady who made sure he paved a way for everyone with him. Even though Brendon gained great success with his bandmates, conflicts and differences caused him to part ways, switching to another lane and beginning an eye-opening, self- transformative journey. Now it was his time to redefine his path, and to rediscover that love he once had for music.

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