Right now I’m currently promoting the brand as a whole yes I’m pushing certain songs while pushing my beats as well I’m more focusing on the marketing/promotion side of the business I’m currently not recording any new songs at the moment but I do have 2 songs I’ve started writing but haven’t finished writing yet but I’m always sending loops out to Collab with other producers for a 50% split on beatstars.com
and in my spare time when I’m really not working on nothing I typically explore my graphic design skills and create whatever art comes to mind
My main motivational factor is remember the reasons why I’ve started in the first place I don’t believe in quitting everyone goes through trial and errors but eventually when u don’t give up you’ll figure it out when it comes to things u should do and things u shouldn’t do and things that work and things that don’t work but another motivational factor are my kids they deserve a good life and I won’t stop until we get there
The most challenging thing I’ve learned to overcome is rushing things I had to understand that great things take time sometimes longer than other people’s time frames never compare yourself to others because they aren’t you and you aren’t them and the second challenge is budgeting that can be a major problem with me or anyone else for that matter in a way it goes along with rushing things because you have to balance out the work and everyday life but finding the right effective services with affordable pricing like stardom101mag is very crucial because I believe in building brick by brick and not hunting for services that will hurt me financially
Important values when it comes to building my business would be to remember who I am, stay authentic to myself, don’t let nobody get in the way of me doing what I need to do to become successful and to keep my head above water so Ill stay out of trouble
Is there other support individuals that helped me get to where I am now versus when I first started?
I’d say yes and no the yes would be other artists that gave me a chance to work with them when they didn’t have to work with me and also the marketing companies I’ve worked with that gave me discounts on services or even free services because they genuinely liked my content and want to see me win but besides that it’s been me myself and I that has been carrying the business
What can people expect next from me?
Well expect some new songs sometime this year and always expect new beats